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Foaming at the Mouth - Edition 3

May 8, 2024

Breaking news from San Diego regarding EPS foam cold chain packaging!  


Last week I travelled to Southern California to attend the ISTA (International Safe Transit Association) Forum Tempack conference. Tempack is the sub-program focused on cold chain packaging research, with presentations by industry professionals and suppliers. Plastilite/Integritemp is a member of ISTA, a certified ISTA test lab, and a supporting sponsor of the forum.  


The underlying trend from presentations given to attendees is that EPS remains the primary, go-to insulating technology for the pharmaceutical/biological industry. Most of the attendees are from these industries. 


Why is this breaking news, you may ask?


Let me pose another question that helps answer why this is important news. What is most important in your life?  Your health is most people’s answer! Pharmaceutical & biological products help you stay healthy. Most pharma/bio products rely on EPS foam for temperature control protection to your doctor’s office, to your pharmacy, and even to your front door.  


Why does the pharma/bio industry rely on EPS foam for their temperature control packaging?


·       Proven performance for thermal protection

·       Proven performance for rigid, durable protection

·       Economical

·       Reliable supply chain

·       And yes, sustainable! EPS is easily recycled at a growing number of locations around the USA


EPS for your health! EPS for your food! EPS, the trend continues!


Please watch for next month’s blog where I will continue our conversation with more facts, figures, and good news about EPS foam! 


Until next time,

Greg Montgomery


Office:  402-884-4290