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Foaming at the Mouth - Edition 7

September 5, 2024

Did you investigate Dr. Chris DeArmitt on LinkedIn and follow his posts and content? You will be rewarded with facts, figures, science, and sanity when you do!  


Let’s look at some data from a study Dr. DeArmitt referred to: Replacing Plastics with Alternatives Is Worse for Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Most Cases | Environmental Science & Technology.


The eye-opening study concludes that plastic materials incur fewer greenhouse gas emissions than alternate materials in 15 out of 16 cases.


Here are some important statistics from the study:

·       In 15 of the cases, plastics release 10-90% fewer greenhouse gas emissions.

·       Plastic grocery bags emit 80% fewer greenhouse gases than paper bags.

·       Aluminum cans emit 2x the greenhouse gases as plastic bottles over their life cycle.

·       Glass bottles emit 3x the greenhouse gases as plastic bottles over their life cycle.

·       Replacing foam meat trays with butcher paper would result in 35% higher greenhouse gas emissions.

·       PVC pipes emit 45% fewer greenhouse gases than concrete pipes, and 35 percent less than iron pipes.

·       Plastic dining sets produce 50% fewer emissions than do wooden sets.

·       Plastic fuel tanks emit 90% less life cycle greenhouse gases than steel tanks.

·       Only in the case of plastic versus steel industrial 55 gallon drums was plastic the higher gas emitter.


Please don’t fall for the false headlines and junk science that are out there. Research real science that offers true facts and figures about plastics.


Please watch for next month’s blog where I will continue our conversation with more facts, figures, and good news about EPS foam! 


Greg Montgomery


Office:  402-884-4290